
Life ScienceChemistryPhysicsEarth ScienceMath & ComputersGeneral

Earth Science


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10 seats reserved for students from Sierra Vista, Jeffrey Trail, Solon, Mason Middle School, and others. Teachers can reserve seats for their students by obtaining a free code at


Learn all about hydrology, the study of Earth's freshwater systems. We'll delve into topics of stream flow, groundwater, lake formation, wetlands, water quality, and more. This is a great class for anyone interested in taking a deeper look at geology and ecology, and also serves as preparation for the Dynamic Planet Science Olympiad event.

Time of Course:


Recommended Knowledge:

No prior knowledge is required.


This course is meant for high-achieving students looking to perform well in competitions such as Science Olympiad, AMC, Brain Bee, FIRST Robotics, etc. Level 1 is for students brand-new or fairly unfamiliar with the subject. Students will learn the general facts they need to understand and advance in the subject. Level 2 is fast-paced learning for experienced students. This course builds off of already present knowledge to help students prepare for a competitive setting.


Student to Teacher Ratio

Level 1: 1/9-3/27, Saturday 5-6 PM ET

Level 1: 1/9-3/27, Saturday 5-6 PM ET


Michelle Li

Biology @ Duke University

Jean Chung

National Science Olympiad Medalist

Intro Video

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